Sequoyah County Commissioners proclaimed February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month which declares intervention and prevention are recognized as important measures for safety and protection for victims of teen dating violence. Pictured for the proclamation seated in the front row from the left, are Dist. 1 Commissioner Ray Watts, Commissioners Secretary Tiffany Jenkins, and Victim Advocate for the Sequoyah County Sheriffs Office Sarah Ridenger. Standing in the back row, from the left, are Cindy Smith, investigator for Sequoyah County Sheriffs Office, Dist. 3 Commissioner Jim Rogers, Sequoyah County Court Clerk Gina Cox, Sequoyah County Clerk Julie Haywood, Dist. 2 Commissioner Beau Burlison, Sequoyah County Sheriff Larry Lane and Sequoyah County Undersheriff Greg Cox.
February 17, 2021
February proclaimed Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month