The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) has announced Sequoyah County awardees for Certified Healthy Oklahoma, a public health initiative recognizing organizations that implement best practices and policies that support improved health and wellness.
Certified Healthy Oklahoma – a collaborative effort of the OSDH, The Oklahoma Academy, Oklahoma Turning Point Council and the State Chamber of Oklahoma – offers certifications in seven categories: Business, Campus, Community, Congregation, Early Childhood Program, Restaurant and School.
More than 1,200 Certified Healthy Oklahoma applications were received statewide for 2022.
“Organizations and individuals that earn Certified Healthy Oklahoma certification at any level should be very proud of the accomplishment, and deserve to be celebrated for their efforts as a leader in Oklahoma health,” said Commissioner of Health Keith Reed. “These champions of health are helping pave the way to an elevated quality of life for all Oklahomans.”
Applicants received a comprehensive assessment to gauge how effectively they are supporting health, with a special focus on strategies that address physical activity, nutrition, tobacco use and mental health. There are three levels of certification: Excellence, Merit and Basic.
Certified Healthy Oklahoma awardees for Sequoyah County include:
Excellence: Sallisaw Health & Wellness Center, People Inc. of Sequoyah County, Sequoyah County Health Department, CREOKS Health Services – Sallisaw and Redbird Smith Health Center Cherokee Nation.
Merit: Roland Public Schools.
Merit: Carl Albert State College.
Excellence: City of Sallisaw.
Early Childhood Programs
Merit: HWC Adventure Head Start Roland, HWC Adventure Head Start Sallisaw EHS, HWC Adventure Head Start Vian and HWC Adventure Head Start Sallisaw.
Excellence: Brushy School, Moffett School, Central Elementary School, Roland Middle School, Roland Elementary School and Roland High School.
Merit: Gore Public Schools, Sallisaw Public Schools, Sallisaw High School and Sallisaw Middle School.
Awardees will receive formal recognition for their work with a trophy and certificate.
The Sequoyah County Health Department protects and improves public health through local health and wellness services and strategies focused on preventing disease. Learn more at Sequoyah.