Ken Pack is seeking reelection to the Vian Board of Education and is asking for your vote on April 2.
Having served the past four years, Pack said he’s gained extensive knowledge on how the board works with the community and school to make great things happen.
During his first year on the board, Pack said they were able to increase teacher and support staff pay, and provide Christmas bonuses, which hadn’t been done in years.
“Then came COVID and all the unknowns with it. The board and administration made decisions with the information we had from the state, keeping in mind what was best for each one of our students and their families. I was proud of how we did what was best for our students and school system,” Pack said.
Pack said another huge victory was securing funding for a new Ag building and high school.
“We then continued the momentum, and the community bonded a new high school. I will never forget the combined efforts of every precinct in our district to make this happen. Everyone in our community was moving in the same direction with a common goal,” he said.
Pack said the board’s next big decision was to hire John Brockman as the new superintendent and Carrie Jo Willis as high school principal.
“John has taken the reins and has already improved so much in such a short period of time,” he said. “Carrie is a superstar in the field of education. We’re so lucky to have hired her.”
“With new leadership in place, we started to crack down on discipline and work hard on improving academics. With the implementation of advanced placement classes and returning to our tradition of prayer before football games, we are preparing for the future with our foundation planted firmly where our roots have always been. We’re seeing great strides of improvement in all areas due to the hard work of teachers, administrators and students,” he said.
Pack has also coached Youth League football for five years, and baseball for eight years.