In Vian Board of Education March meeting
Vian Public School’s Board of Education met on March 13 for their regular monthly meeting where they voted to withhold a suspension and approved employment and other issues for the 2024-25 school year.
The meeting began with a motion to convene into an executive session to conduct a suspension review hearing at 6 p.m. Upon reconvening at 6:52 p.m., board president Ken Pack made a motion to uphold the suspension, which passed unanimously by all other board members.
Superintendent John Brockman, during his report, recognized Jathen Brockman for achieving Oklahoma Academic All State honors. Additionally, Mrs. Bridges reported on benchmark testing, while Mr. Mays provided updates on third and fourthgrade basketball. A general high school update was also provided to those in attendance.
In regular business matters, the board approved the previous month’s meeting minutes, a bid for new high school furniture from Merrifield Furniture as supplier, a revised 2023-24 school calendar, contract for audit of public schools for 2023-24 with Patten & Odom, CPA’s, PLLC, temporary appropriations, and safety measures for the front of the football bleachers.
Also approved by the board for the 2024-25 school year were agreements with Interquest Detection Canines and Sylogist Software Service.
Book lists from the Media Center and high school library were also approved to be moved to surplus, according to meeting minutes.
The board moved into a second executive session at 9:21 p.m. to discuss matters related to the employment, hiring and promotion of staff members for 2024-25.
Upon returning to open session at 10:20 p.m., the board unanimously voted to rehire the following certified and support staff members for the upcoming school year: Leslie Bridges-Curriculum Director/JOM, Jedidiah Kasson- IT Director, Amanda Mitchell and Richard Queen-Assistant Maintenance Supervisors, Gerri Fieldgrove-Elementary Kitchen Manager, Kathy Bryhni, Chris Locust and Paula Ferguson-cooks, and Dennis Noisey-Custodian.
This news story is based on the unofficial minutes from the board meeting and could be in error if the minutes are changed prior to adoption.