It’s spring cleaning time for Sequoyah County Emergency Management (SCEM), especially as the office tries to vacate the former Agent Funeral Home so that the building can be razed for a planned $2 million, 10,500-squarefoot courthouse annex.
To that end, SCEM director Jonathan Teague asked Sequoyah County Commissioners at their weekly meeting last Monday to surplus the following, which will then be offered at auction: 30 chairs, five “good” desks, five “damaged” desks, five “good” filing cabinets, four broken printers, two tables, two “good” shelves, two “damaged” shelves, a conference table, storage cabinet, “water damaged” filing cabinet, coat rack, cabinet and miscellaneous “water damaged” office supplies.
“Some of it’s been water damaged, other stuff is just hand-medown stuff given over the years where drawers don’t work, a bunch of chairs that are missing arms and wheels, most of those chairs were built in 1964 — 60 years is pretty good for a chair,” Teague told the commissioners in summarizing the inventory.
Commissioner Jim Rogers encouraged other county offices to review their inventory to determine if there are items that could be part of an auction, and pointed out that “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.”
In predicting what may or may not sell at auction, Rogers concluded that “what doesn’t sell, it goes with the building” when it is razed.
The commissioners approved surplussing items on the SCEM list.
Similarly, the Sequoyah County Sheriff ’s Office asked the commissioners to surplus the following vehicles: 2007 Chevy Silverado, 2011 Chevy Tahoe, 2012 Chevy Tahoe, 2016 Dodge Charger, 2016 Chevy Tahoe and 2018 Dodge Ram.
Undersheriff Charles House explained to the commissioners that the 2007 Silverado half-ton pickup is earmarked to go to Gans Public Schools, the 2016 Dodge Charger will go to Muldrow school police, the 2016 Chevy Tahoe will go to Marble City Fire Department and the 2018 Dodge Ram is earmarked for Rural Fire Protection District #1. Currently undesignated are the 2012 Chevy Tahoe with 242,000 miles and the 2011 Chevy Tahoe with 305,000 miles.
House told the commissioners “I’ve got some more older ones coming.”
The commissioners approved surplussing the vehicles.
Other business
In other business, the commissioners approved:
• A letter of support for Cherokee Nation regarding extending the car tag compact with the state, which details to state leaders how the compact has served northeastern Oklahoma for more than two decades, providing millions of dollars for schools, roads, bridges, infrastructure and law enforcement — almost $14 million in Sequoyah County alone for roads and bridges — funds without which would create a much greater challenge for the region.
• An interlock agreement by and between Adair County 911 Regional Trust Authority and Sequoyah County 911, contingent upon approval by the district attorney’s office for Adair, Cherokee, Sequoyah and Wagoner counties.
• A contract renewal by and between Sequoyah County Sheriff ’s Office and Turn Key Health for Fiscal Year 2025, also contingent upon approval by the district attorney’s office.
• The appointment of Matt Barns and county clerk Julie Haywood as requisitioning officers as well as appointment of Ethan Willhite and Jason Fullen as receiving officers for the West Tenkiller Protective Association, contingent upon clearance from Ed Barton, Eastern Oklahoma Development District.