Jr. High athletics will now include sixth grade
In a productive meeting held on February 12, the Vian Board of Education addressed a variety of crucial topics, including the reemployment of staff and resignation of the high school secretary, and decisions concerning the upcoming school year.
Superintendent John Brockman kicked off the meeting with his report, where achievements were celebrated, particularly in the realm of music. The board recognized the outstanding performance of students selected for the All-State Choir, showcasing the district’s commitment to excellence in both academics and the arts.
Scott Rice and Merifield Companies made compelling presentations on furniture options for the new high school. Although the board intended to take action on approving a bidder, this item was tabled for further consideration, emphasizing the board’s dedication to thorough decision-making.
Brockman also gave an update on the new high school, according to meeting minutes.
Two significant agreements were on the agenda, both of which were approved by the board. The agreements with Ruth Kelly Studio and OKTLE for the 2024-25 school year were met with unanimous approval.
In a forward-looking move, the board voted to approve the addition of sixth grade to Jr High Athletics. This decision not only broadens athletic opportunities for students but also aligns with the district’s commitment to holistic student development.
Staff re-employment The board entered into an executive session, adhering to legal provisions, to discuss personnel matters and property appraisal. Upon returning to open session, the board voted to re-employ key administrative staff, central office staff, and district directors for the 2024-25 school year.
Those included: Jennifer Ecker – assistant elementary principal; Kathy Wingo – elementary principal; Marilyn Oliver – middle school principal; Carrie Jo Willis – high school principal; Erica King – treasurer/ HR officer/payroll coordinator; Shannon Pack – encumbrance clerk/federal claims; Christie Mendenhall – secretary/activity account custodian; Kristy Keck – child nutrition director; James Ross maintenance director; and Abby Glass – transportation director.
The board accepted the resignation/retirement of high school secretary Patricia Ellis, effective June 30, 2024. The decision was made with gratitude for Ellis’s dedicated service to the school.
The board meticulously reviewed and approved various financial items. Notable approvals included encumbrance numbers within the 2023-24 General Fund and specific fund transfers to support various athletic programs and fundraisers. Of particular interest was the motion to approve a team-funded app for the baseball team, aimed at securing equipment and travel costs.
With all agenda items addressed, the meeting concluded with a vote to adjourn at 10:26 p.m.
This news story is based on the unofficial minutes from the board meeting and could be in error if the minutes are changed prior to adoption.