Warren D. Hamilton (Incumbent), 53, McCurtain, Republican, has sent the following release, announcing he will seek re-election for State Senate District 7: “I am running for re-election because I love America. Unless we change our ways, it looks like she will fall. America exists because people cared. About a lot of things. They wanted to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience. They wanted their lives, liberty, and property to be secure from a greedy government. And they recognized that they were responsible to take action, and to acknowledge God in all things. My goals haven’t changed: Turn back to God and for all of us to participate in our government.
“I’m always a student, sometimes a teacher. Over the last three years I’ve learned more and more about government and history. These lessons make me a more skilled legislator. Then I can better serve the great Americans of District 7.
“I serve America best by serving Oklahoma, and I serve all Oklahomans best by serving Christ best. With God’s blessing, my efforts will inspire more of us to be involved in our government, which will result in better government.”
For more information about Senator Hamilton’s campaign, visit www.votehamilton.org.